Undeserved Praise

Updated 2022-04-02

The Story of this Beer

Praise undeserved, is satire in disguise. -- Alexander Pope

I received a portion of a new caramel malt, made from rye, at the National Homebrewers conference the Summer of 2016. Towards the end of the Summer I thought I should make something with that malt. More and more I have been planning my brewing and tap rotations from a spreadsheet that now looks more than a full year ahead. I decided to plan a solo brew day to fill in a gap in my tap rotation. A few of my Fall and Winter beers that year needed to be conditioned longer than the usual few weeks. A one off batch would fill in that potential shortfall nicely.

My bitter, Foreign Country, turned out very well. I figured the caramel rye would work well in place of the regular caramel malt.

I wanted to find a quote about wryness that wasn't too on the nose. Alexander Pope was an obvious choice. I settled on this quote both because I feel the name is ultimately self deprecating, to remind myself to remain humble regardless of my success or praise, and it in some way still touches on a wry expression, fulfilling on some level the desired pun, even if only tenuously.

Recipe and Log